Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ranking The Villains

Hello and welcome to the finale of Monstrous Musicals.  Today, on this last entry in  the first ever Monstrous Musicals with our first ever Ranking The Villains.   Now,  it just so happened that all of the musicals other then The Addams Family had villains in them. Which honestly, the only villainous act there was casting Nathan Lane as Gomez Addams.  Well, no there was more issues then that but we aren't here to talk about that.  No,  instead,   I'm here today to go over the villains from the musicals that I've reviewed and determine, which is the best of the lot.   Now,  I'll be including my favorite number by them and going over what in my opinion makes them a good villain.

6.  Miss Strict - Zombie Prom

Now Miss Strict is perhaps the least interesting villain on this list.  She's  not a bad villain but her motive isn't as grand as some of the other characters on the list.   After Jonny comes back as a reanimated corpse,  her biggest goal is to keep him off school premises as she does not want zombies on her school.  Really,  how Delilah Strict is trying to do is keep order in her high school and you can't blame anyone for that but it's just her over the top way of going about doing it, that makes her so entertaining.   Her character is perhaps best explored in the song, Rules,  Regulation, and Respect.

This number here shows how she is a no nonsense, no holds-barred woman, who doesn't take any gruff and quite honestly, she fits the bill of how young people  sometimes view adults that are in  position of authority above them.

 5.  Frank N. Furter - The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Frank is only at # 4 because again,  he compared to some of the other villains are well small minded.  He's petty and has a "Me" attitude and honestly, there is nothing wrong with that as his goal is to satisfy his own self-interests and stop anyone that gets in his way or more importantly takes the spotlight away from him such as his mercy killing of Eddie.  And I may have given Best Song to Planet Schmanet Janet on Monday but quite honestly, the song that best sums him up is Sweet Transvestite.

This song perfectly sums up who Frankie is and how he owns it and takes great pride in it.    Plus Frank just revels in the spotlight and loves having the attention on him.

4.  Dr. Horrible -  Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Now,  I went back and forth over whether or not I should place Dr. Horrible or Captain Hammer on this list but in the end, I went with Dr. Horrible because there is more to him then Hammer and  his motive was to change the status quo.   In a way,  he is the most successful villain and most tragic one on this list as he achieved what he wanted but the cost of the person that loved him, the most.    And you could see even though that he won, that he wasn't happy in the end.  Now for the best song that sums up Horrible,  there are three that come to mind,  Brand New Day, the birth of Dr. Horrible,   Slipping,  the rise of Dr. Horrible,  and Everything You Ever, the death of Billy, Dr. Horrible's alter ego. and Dr. Horrible becoming the true personality.  So with that,  I have to go with Everything You Ever.

3.  Audrey II - Little Shop of Horrors

I have to be honest and say that I'm surprised that Audrey II didn't place higher.  Well, if I was going by Oz's Director Cut,  he probably would've been # 1 but I'm not, I'm just going with the theatrical release.  Why does Audrey II work so well?  Audrey II is able to use Seymour to meet his end goal as he can't do it himself being stuck in Mushnik's and no Seymour, it's not because he's inanimate .  Sorry but that line has always bugged me.  Audrey II is able to convince a innocent and good hearted guy who basically become a monster and commit heinous acts that Seymour would otherwise not do. Also, he has to be the creepiest looking villain on this list and he is really able to get into Seymour's head as I mentioned and this is perhaps best explored in Feed Me (Git It)

This number  wonderfully demonstrates what I saying about Audrey II is able to easily convince Seymour to do something that he would most likely not do otherwise.

2.  Madame Morrible - Wicked

Our  top two villains  make life a living Hell for their stories' respective main characters.  Starting with Madame Morrible,   she is the one responsible for people viewing Elphaba as a Wicked Witch.   Because she is the one that started that rumor, when poor Elphie botched a spell in front of The Wizard and the sad part is the Ozians chose to believe Morrible and decided to view Elphaba, not as who she truly was but who they were she was.  Morrible's propaganda led to all of Oz seeing something that wasn't real.  And do I even need to mention that she's the one that kill Nessarose,  Elphaba's sister. Now unlike every other villain on this list, Morrible does not have a song but there still is a song that her reach and grab of Oz and the Ozians buying into her lie and  hating the Witch.

Everything in this song could've been avoided,  if Elphie had been treated decently and Morrible never started her propaganda but because she did, this is how people chose to view someone without getting to know her.

1.  Swan - Phantom of The Paradise

Swan is just cruel,  he only keeps Winslow alive to betray and because keeping him alive is a Hell worse then death. At first glance, Swan might seem like an evil record producer... and you are right but there is so much more to him.  You can't kill him physically because of the deal he made with the devil to stay young.  The only way for him to die is for footage that he has to watch of himself everyday to be burnt.  Which does happen.  Now with Swan, he is the perfect example of big business screwing over the little guy because he steals Winslow's song outright and has Winslow arrested but Winslow escapes and becomes The Phantom, Swan knows that it's him and makes a deal with him, finish the work, he started and he'll let Phoenix, the girl that our Phantom is crushing on sing it but he turns on that as he finds her to be too perfect and doesn't like that. Because he doesn't want someone better then him, so that's when he hires the horrid Beef.  And honestly, that's not even the worst thing he does.  No,  when he hooks up a voice box to Winslow to speak and sing,  Winslow's singing voice is that of Swan.  A constant reminder to Winslow of the pain, he is in and that death is the better option but the only way for Winslow to die is for Swan to be killed.  Swan is just cruel in how he messes with poor Winslow and screws him over.  Which I believe that this best examined in his version of Winslow's song, Faust

Now that is Winlsow, who plays it in the film but as I mentioned, it is Swan's singing voice.  A constant reminder to Winslow that he lost his own singing voice and he now has to live with the one of the man, that made his life Hell from the get go.   Now Swan eventually does get his comeuppance at the hands of Winslow,  when all of the tape is burnt but up until that point,  he is just a monster.

And thus this concludes Monstrous Musicals.   I've had a blast doing this. So much so, that it'll be returning next year.  Thanks for taking the time to read these articles.  Peace!

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