Monday, August 5, 2013

Zombie Prom

Hello & welcome back to Monstrous Musicals.  Today, there's been a slight change of plans.  I'm still reviewing Zombie Prom but not the film because seeing as it never had an official release,  I couldn't find full versions of the songs.  So instead, I'll be taking a look at the music from the off-Broadway production.  Now as for the film.  it is one of the funniest and most entertaining musicals, I've seen in quite a while.  And I actually first learned about this show while listening to a Halloween episode of a Broadway podcast similar to that of Patty's Nick Jukebox.  The plot is pretty simple,  at Enrico Fermi High,   we meet our cast,  Jonny, a rebel who spells his name without an "H".   good girl, Toffee, and principal  Miss Strict (who was played wonderfully by RuPaul in the short film.  Who knew RuPaul could act?) Jonny and Toffee fall in love and date for several months but uh-oh, her parents don't approve and Toffee breaks up with Jonny, who takes his life by hurling himself into the Francis Gary Powers Nuclear Power Plant.  Three Weeks pass and Jonny is brought back to life by the power of Toffee's voice and now wishes to re-enroll but has to put up with Miss Strict, who doesn't want any zombie polluting her school.  Yeah,  if you couldn't figure out by now,  this show falls into what I like to call "The Three C's categories", campy, cheesy, & corny.  And goddamn,  am I ever raring to get this review started. Especially unlike the previous two,  I've never seen the stage production of this show.  So, this is all new for me.  This is going to be fun.   Let's get this tale of  romance in the most bizarre way started. 

Enrico Fermi High

Honestly,  not too much to say about this.  It serves well as an opening piece and a good introduction to our characters.  And also lets you know what kind of show, you are getting in for.  If you aren't into shows that are just downright silly, best to leave now.  As for the rest of us, let the fun begin.  Also, one difference I noticed between this and the film is that it seems as though in the play, Jonny had been going to Enrico Fermi High for a while whereas in the film, he was a new student.  Wonder why, they made that change. Minor to the overall story though, really.

Ain't No Goin' Back

This song is cute as it is the timeline of Jonny (originally played by Richard Roland) and Toffee (originally played by Jessica Snow-Wilson) dating and falling in love.  You can hear how much they love one another and how they'll always be there for each other until....   outside influences such as Toffee's parents and Miss Strict say that Jonny is no good for Toffee and that she should break up with him and she does it. Rather intense ending with Toffee shouting "Don't do anything rash" but this truly sets up the play.

Jonny Don't Go

I like this piece a lot as it perfectly captures the regret that Toffee is feeling over dumping Jonny, just because outside sources told her that he's no good but she knew better all along and now she feels as though, she has lost the one person, she truly loved.

As Good As It Gets

After the last song with Toffee lamenting over her lost love, this one seems to try and be cheerier, showing how easily people have moved on and already put Jonny's death behind them all save for Toffee.  This song is rather blatant about that because one of the characters even tells Toffee to let it go, because it's been three whole weeks.   Kind of narrow minded, if you ask me.

The "C"  Word

I really like this song and notice at the beginning, you hear Jonny calling out to Toffee and I like how she calls out her friends over being more concerned about the prom, then what really matters but at the same time, I understand where they're coming from but if she had just accepted his death, there wouldn't be much in the way of a story, now would there.  Sorry about the end of the video, it dips in sound quality.

Rules, Regulations, & Respect

Okay, this song is just so much fun and gives the character of Miss Strict (originally played by Karen Murphey) so much  to do and let's us know about her view and how she is no nonsense woman and goes by the book and there is no veering from it. And if you even try to think about it, she'll stop ya. And plus this song is just pure fun.  The best way to sum up this ditty is by saying this. "Play It Again!"

Blast from The Past

This was the very first song I ever heard from Zombie Prom and the first time, I heard it, I knew that I had to track down the rest of the music because this song was amazing.  And I still hold that belief.   I feel this song is where the numbers really start to pick up.   It's just so much fun and it again lets you know what kind of show, you are in for.   Hey Jonny, even says that he is an acquired taste.   I love how even though, he's come back from the dead, the only thing on his mind is getting back with Toffee and not realizing how weird that'll feel for her.

That's The Beat For Me

This is our introduction to Expose reporter, Eddie Flagrante (originally played by Richard Muenz) and he'll play a big part in covering Jonny's story.   I actually like this because in the film, this character didn't have much to do.  However, I have a feeling in the play, he was big and over the top.  And I'm A okay with that.

Voice In The Ocean

This song is rather sweet in how Jonny, even after he died kept on hearing Toffee's voice and that is what him brought back from the dead.  Aw, that's kind of cute and romantic.  Aw!!!!   Who knew zombie love could be so romantic.  I think that I may have found my favorite song from this show.  It's just so sweet and  you can feel the power of love between Jonny and Toffee.  If you love someone, they really never leave you.

It's Alive

This song is good but coming after Voice In The Ocean makes it tough.  Though, it does give some great insight into Jonny and Miss Strict. Especially with Jonny flat out admitting that he used to hate Miss Strict but now he is ready to change his ways and re enroll and get his diploma.  But Miss Strict won't any zombie scum in her school and will do anything it takes to keep him out.

Where We Do Go From Here

This is a sweet song for Jonny and Toffee, who are easily the best part of this show and this song shows why.  Jonny wants to win the heart of his girl back and will go to any lengths to get it and in this number, you can truly hear how conflicted Toffee is.  She wants to be with Jonny because she truly loves him but she is scared of what others will say and the social stigma that'll come with dating a teenage zombie.  Y'know for as silly as this story is, it's pretty sweet.

Trio (Case Closed)

This song lets us know that Eddie and Miss Strict have a bit of history.  That'll come up later and be real important.   Eddie serves as Jonny's biggest supporter and is a great adversary for Miss Strict.  This is a great piece especially for Eddie and Miss Strict.  The best word, I can come up with for this number is tense.

Then Came Jonny

When this number started,  I was bit confused and thought it was the first number from the show but actually, they used that to contrast the changes that have taken place.  And in this song, we are actually hearing Miss Strict doing any and everything to keep Jonny out of school and stop anyone from supporting him such as dismantling the pep squad and baseball team.  And she makes the biggest threat, that is to cancel prom, if Jonny shows up.

Come Join Us

This song is okay and cute but not one I'll recall after it's done.  I can't explain it but this song, while it serves a purpose,  just leaves me disappointed.

How Can I Say Goodbye?

I really like this song and the pick me up that I needed after Come Join Us.  This song could give Voice In The Ocean a run for it's money as Favorite.  It's sweet and shows us what lengths, Jonny will go to to win back his girl.   I love the feeling of it as it feels a '50s boy band.

Easy To Say

I  think this song could also be called Toffee's Dilemma/Realization.   Because this song brings to the forefront, the internal struggle that Toffee is feeling.  As I've said throughout, she wants to be with and we feel that in the beginning after talking with her friends, she makes up her mind and decides that Jonny will always be her guy and doesn't care, what others think.


Remember, what I said about Eddie and Miss Strict having a bit of a history.  They dated in high school and this song, which is riddled with innuendos gives us insight into their past.  Also, keep in mind what Miss Strict said about being in the back of Eddie's car.  That is going to be a bit of prominent part in the finale.  And I also get the feeling that these two, even though they act as though they hate each other still have a thing for one another.

Isn't It?

This song like Come Join Us us just okay.  It's fun but I think it has the problem of coming after a much better song.  It's cute but forgettable.

Forbidden Love

Man, this show is so not making it easy to pick a favorite.  This song is GREAT!!!!!!   Then again, most of the songs that have focused on Jonny and Toffee's relationship have been the best numbers.  Again, their love comes through wonderfully and you can feel it and it is real love.  These two will always have each other's back and it doesn't if their relationship is a bit different, they love each other no matter what.

The Lid's Been Blown

Everyone has finally turned on Miss Strict and she can't threaten any longer. Eddie has cornered her and she is forced to reveal the truth of her past.

Delilah's Confession

This song explains the past  of Eddie and Miss Strict.  As I said, they dated in high school and he got her pregnant and Jonny happens to be their son. Dun Dun Dun!!!   Is it silly? Yes.  Is it cheesy?  You bet!  Do I love it?  Yes, I do! Does the twist come out of nowhere.  Hmm,  no not really.   Because as I pointed out Miss Strict had been hiding something and she had a past with Eddie and this is a big secret to hide.   Does it feel forced.  Yes but intentionally so.  

Zombie Prom

This is a fun song and a fun one to close out as Jonny and Toffee look towards the future.  They know that people will judge because of Jonny being a zombie but Toffee is a bit more optimistic and hopes that others will at least give them a chance.

Favorite/Least Favorite

Okay,  I gotta be honest, there are so many good songs in this production,  that it's hard to narrow it down to one as my favorite.  All of the Jonny and Toffee numbers are beautifully done but having said that,  I think that I have to give it to "Voice In The Ocean".   Jonny and Toffee's first number after he comes back to life and I feel that one out of all the Jonny and Toffee number perfectly captures the love, these two have for one another. As for least favorite,  I'm going to go with  "Come Join Us".  It's not bad per se but it just comes across as filler.

My Final Thoughts

I am so glad that I had the opportunity to listen the songs from the original show. The short film is good but it cut so much. Granted, it was 36 minutes but this, oh wow.  I wish that I could have seen this on stage because I imagine that would've been AMAZING!!!! After last week with The Addams Family,  this is the kind of boost, I needed.   The songs in this production fall into two categories,  Really Good or Just Okay.  And none of the songs in my opinion are really bad.  And something else,  I liked about this play and it's numbers,  sure there were zombie references such as The Walking Dead,  but they never let the zombie angle overtake the story. It just happened to be a story about two teenagers in love and one of them is a zombie.  Join me next week as I review a musical that is my favorite thing to come from Joss Whedon.  You should all know what I'm talking about...

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog


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