Monday, September 16, 2013

Phantom of The Paradise

Hello & welcome back to Monstrous Musicals.  Today, we are taking a look at an interesting cult film from director, Brian De Palma.   This film has somewhat of a cult following.  What is this film? Phantom of The Paradise.  What is Phantom of The Paradise?  Well, take Phantom of The Opera set in the 1970's, throw in drugs, sex, rock 'n' roll along with some Dorian Grey and Faust for good measure and that is Phantom of The Paradise.  Oh, let's not forget that Paul Williams wrote the music for this film.  


This trailer sums up what this film is as it is not just on genre as it is a musical, a comedy, a satire of the music industry and a horror film.

The Plot

In the film, we follow music composer/singer Winslow Leach through his struggles with satanic record producer Swan of Death Records, who wanted a new sound to open his new concert hall, The Paradise.  Swan overhears Winslow's music and he decides that the music is it.   He sends his right hand man, Philbin to talk to Winslow about having Swan look at his song and have nostalgic based band, The Juicy Fruits and when Winslow hears this, he is enraged and gets angry at the idea.  Winslow calms down and gives his music to Philbin to look at.   Weeks later,   Winslow goes to Death Records to see Swan but his name is not on the receptionist's list.  He is later thrown out and sneaks into Swans' private mansion to talk to Swan where many girls are auditioning to sing at the opening of the Paradise and there, Winslow meets a young girl, Phoenix, who he takes an instant liking to and  helps her rehearse his song.  Though once she goes into see Swan, we find out that that it isn't an audition but rather an orgy.  Swan isn't looking for the best singer but rather a good time as there all these women and Winslow in drag laying on this circular bed. Swan then notices Winslow and has him arrested and sent to Sing Sing Prison.  (I had to look this up but this is indeed a real place).   While there, as part of a project backed by Swan, the  prisoners have their teeth removed.  One day while working, Winslow hears The Juicy Fruit's bastardization of his work and escapes from the prison, where he heads to Death Records to destroy a record press.  A guard catches him and his face is caught in the record press and in a cruel twist of fate, the records on the press that crush his face and mutilate him are The Juicy Fruit's version of his song.  He later goes to the Paradise and raids the costume department and dons a long black cape and owl mask and starts terrorizing the Paradise and during one rehearsal almost kills The Beach Bums, who were once the The Juicy Fruits.  Showing the constant change in music and how rapidly it changes.   Winslow now The Phantom confronts Swan, who quickly recognizes him as Winslow and makes a deal with him to rewrite his cantata, Faust.  Swan gives The Phantom a voice box so that he can talk and in an interesting take, his singing voice is now that of Paul Williams, the actor that portrayed Swan.  The Phantom says that only Phoenix can sing his work but Swan breaks his deal because he resents her perfection and has Philbin hire a glam rock pill popping star, Beef to do the singing part and he was purposefully cast his voice was wrong for the cantata. In a scene parodying the Psycho shower scene, The Phantom threatens Beef by telling him that no one but Phoenix sings his music.  This is enough to convince Beef to leave.  Philbin sees this and convinces Beef to leave, even though he thinks that  the Paradise is haunted. Phoenix is later seduced by Swan with stardom and they later to be wed. The Phantom tries to warn Phoenix to leave.  We later see that The Phantom tries to kill himself but because of a contract, he signed with Swan he cannot die until Swan dies.   So he tries to kill Swan but it does no harm as he too signed a contract. Over 20 years ago, he signed a contract with the Devil to keep him youthful as he was about to kill himself.  The Devil makes a deal with Swan that he can stay youthful so long as he watches a video tape of himself from those 20 years ago that he had recorded, that would age instead of him and Swan would have to watch it once a day every day to remember what the Devil gave him.  The only way to kill  Swan is if the footage is destroyed.   So, The Phantom goes through this, after this film's chandelier scene where Beef is killed onstage by The Phantom as he is struck with a thunderbolt prop.  And Phoenix sees this and his frightened but gets back onstage to perform.  Later on, Swan is exposed as a monster during his live televised wedding and he is slowly dying while being stabbed carried in the audience allowing Winslow to finally die and rest in peace but not before he removes his mask to reveal himself to Phoenix.  Phoenix embraces Winslow one last time as he passes away.  So, that is The Phantom of The Paradise.  Now I'll be 100% honest,  I've never seen The Phantom of The Opera and this film was my first foray into the world of The Phantom and I liked what I saw.  I have to thank TheOtherDude for suggesting this one in the forums because it was really good.  


This'll be broken be down into Main, Supporting, & Villain. 

Main Character

Winslow Leach/The Phantom played by William Finley 

I really liked that we saw Winslow at the beginning and he was just a simple gawky & geeky looking guy that just wants to get his music sold but he is scorned when Swan uses his music without his permission and it turns him into the monster that is The Phantom.  All of his hopes, dreams and ambitions are gone.  He is pretty much out for revenge against Swan but Swan is smarter then him and he is cold and cruel compared to Winslow, who was optimistic with star filled eyes but once Swan turned on him and had him arrested is when he became.  It is easy to see that after Swan turned on him and was reported that Winslow supposedly died, he played that up and became The Phantom.  Also,  I have to say that I love the set design for when Winslow was arrested.

I think the reason,  I like this set so much is how big the judge's stand is and it makes Winslow look rather small.  Almost as a way of showing how the average American is compared to corporate system.  And this film again shows how one having his dream crushed, can twist them.   For instance, just take a look at Winslow in Sing Sing and also as The Phantom unmasked.

You'll notice the start of the drastic change just looking at Winslow in Sing Sing and by the time, he is unmasked,  he just looks a bit creepy.

Supporting Characters

Phoenix played by Jessica Harper

Phoenix was the love interest of The Phantom and you get the feeling that he was obsessing over her.  And y'know, it's hard for me to pinpoint why The Phantom obsessed over her but I believe it has to do with the fact that she was one of the only people to show Winslow any inkling of kindness.  And you may recall  how I mentioned that the first "rehearsal"  was actually an orgy.  Well, it's funny to note but after Swan made her famous, she ate it up and became a completely different person.  Just going to show how fame can change someone.  

Beef played by Gerrit Graham

Beef  is a character that you are either going to love or hate for how goofy and over the top, he is.  I fall into the latter category because I feel his character really added nothing to the film except to be a part of the film's body count. Though I'll admit that I did get a chuckle out of this.

And honestly, how does one react to something like that.

The Juicy Fruits/The Beach Bums/The Undeads played by Archie Hahn, Jeffery Comanor, & Peter Elbling

These characters are minor at best and as I mentioned when describing the plot, when describing the plot, they are a reflection of the constant change in music.  This  is a stunt pulled by Swan, they start out as The Juicy Fruits,  a nostalgic 50's doo wop band and then we see them again, they are more along the lines of The Beach Boys and after the Phantom's stunt, where he tries to kill everyone in the Paradise,  Swan changes them into The Undeads.  A band whose looks reminds me of a blend of Alice Cooper and KISS. 


Goodbye Eddie, Goodbye

Not exactly the type of song, you expect when you hear about something based on Phantom but in many ways, this number foreshadows the events to come in the film. The lyrics and the message/tone of the song perfectly clash with each other.

Faust (Winslow)

Winslow  does not have the best voice but oh my god,  this song, this song,   I love this song.  It is just so hauntingly beautiful.  You can just feel the raw emotion that Winslow put into this performance and like our previous song from The Juicy Fruits, it foreshadows events in the film as Winslow is singing of how he'd sell his soul for one love to sing his song.

Never Thought I'd Get To Meet The Devil

This one is short,  too short to leave an impression.  It's sung by Winslow and I get the impression here, the  Devil, he's referring to is actually Swan.


What an odd little ditty.  The Juicy Fruits are now The Beach Bums and this song as you'll notice with these characters has a feeling of being manufactured. They don't sound  organic or true when compared to Winslow's singing.   It's just a cash in.

Special To Me

I like this number because of Phoenix's performance.  I find that she really hits it out of the park with this number.  It's a pretty good ballad, just saying that you better treat me right.

Faust (Swan)

Grr,  I am so torn. I both love and hate this song at the same.  Love it because Paul Williams, it's Paul Williams.  This man has a great voice but at the same time, the version sung by Winslow is sadder and what's kinda funny is that is The Phantom but with Swan's voice, that's how it sounds whenever he sings after Swan puts a voice box on him.   I want to hate it because of what it represents in the film and how Winslow's work was changed but Paul Williams is good.  I don't know how to feel about this song. 

The Phantom's Theme (Beauty and The Beast)

This number is just tragic.  It's sad and sums up what has happened to The Phantom at this point.  He has lost everything that ever meant anything to him and through no fault of his own.  He was just walked on and betrayed by people in a higher position then him.

Somebody Super Like You

And now The Beach Bums are The Undeads.  This song,  I get it's purpose but I can't say that I like it. I just find it to be annoying.   The way it's sung grates on me.  I honestly can't explain why but I don't like this one.

Life At Last

Yeah,  I really don't much care for this one.  It's Beef's big number but I already went over that I don't like Beef and this song is just forgettable to me.

Old Souls

This one isn't bad but I think Special To Me is better when comparing Phoenix's two big numbers.   This one is just lacking in something.   I don't know what it is but there is something holding me back from truly liking this number. It's not bad, far from it but it comes up short.

The Hell of It

This is more like it, this song really picks it up.  This is a great song to leave your audience with and I almost feel like this song is about Swan in how it's better to die alone then to be stuck with you. And you get the impression that no one will miss Swan.


Philbin played by George Memmoli

Philbin didn't really have much of a character in the film other then being a tough guy that served as Swan's right-hand man and lackey.  That's pretty much it.

Swan played by Paul Williams

Swan is a great character, who is more deep then people would give him credit for. He is cold, cunning and calculated.  I was honestly surprised that the same person who wrote Rainbow Connection could play such a cold and heartless villain but then I remembered that he played The Penguin.  (funny, he's played two villains named after birds).   Though I'll say this, I think Swan is more intimidating then The Penguin.  And there are two reasons,  I say this, he carries himself in such a cold and ruthless manner and the voice.  Williams' voice, when not singing in this film spent chills down my spine.  You can be sure that when I do my countdown of musical villains later this week, Swan will be on this list.   Also, Swan's face melting when the footage was destroyed is as one of the creepiest moments in the film.

There is one other moment that I need to bring up that just made me chuckle, when Swan was looking for someone to replace Phoenix, his desk was a record.

This is just so silly and over the top.

Favorite/Least Favorite

Man, this is tough but for Favorite.  It's a tie between both versions of Faust because of how good they are.  They are easily the best songs from the film and show the emotion of the characters perfectly.  Least Favorite,  I have to go with Life At Last.  I just think it's pretty boring.

My Final Thoughts

This is a great film,  this film is just so much fun.  All of the characters are likable and both The Phantom and Swan are creepy.   You guys need to check this one out.  Well, we only have two more musicals to go. Join me tomorrow as I review...

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Hello & welcome back to Monstrous Musicals.  Today, we are taking a look at a musical that first debuted online during the Writer's Strike back in 2007 & 2008.  Joss Whedon put this together along with some great talent and uploaded it in three parts over three days online and the reaction was extremely positive. And it's not hard to see why as it is easily, one of the best musicals, I've ever seen.  Now, I'll admit the first time, I saw I it, I didn't like it because I felt like the ending came out of nowhere but after repeat viewings and learning more about Whedon, it made perfect sense.  Now,  I'll admit, I went back and forth on whether or not to review this one but after seeing it listed on multiple sites that put together lists of fun musicals for Halloween, I decided to go ahead and review it.  Now unlike the previous reviews, this one will be more in line with being a proper film review as I'll go over, The Plot, Characters, Music,  Favorite Song/Least Favorite Song, & My Final Thoughts.

The Plot

We open on Doctor Horrible as he answers fan mail on  his vlog.   And we learn of his arch nemesis, Captain Hammer and her (Penny)   We find out that he is trying to get into the Evil League of Evil. The first song is cut short but his friend/henchman, Moist.   As Doctor Horrible mentions seeing her at the laundromat.   In the next part, we hear Doctor Horrible talking about pulling off a heist and we watch control a van from his phone and this is when we were introduced to Penny  as she is asking people to sign her petition to help shelter the homeless.  Bill aka Doctor Horrible at first seems uninterested but he agrees to sign it. And then enter Captain Hammer, who destroys the remote receiver  and pushes Penny out of the way into a pile of garbage.  Penny and Hammer start to fall for each other or so, we think.  The next day, we see Captain Hammer and Penny on many dates with Doctor Horrible following them.     In a nice touch,  we start to see Hammer is not the hero that the town thinks the people he is.  A perfect moment that starts to reveal his true feelings are when Penny and Hammer are in the homeless shelter. You just get the feeling that he wants to take a shower and wash off  the people touching them.  The next day, Doctor Horrible reveals his freeze ray had been completed.  He then later reveals that it isn't a good idea to do that as apparently, both Captain Hammer and the LAPD were followers of Doctor Horrible. He gets a second letter from Bad Horse now is the only way to commit an assassination.   Pay attention to this because it'll come into play later.  We then later see Billy and Penny talking about Billy's interview at the laundromat and reassures him that things happen  Later, Captain Hammer comes to pick up Penny and remember what I was saying. Well,  Captain Hammer knew that Billy and Doctor Horrible are one and the same. And revealed that he was only with Penny is because he knew Horrible wanted to be with her and that led into the iconic song, Brand New Day, where Billy starts to die and Doctor Horrible starts to take over.   The next day, we see people singing the praises of Captain Hammer ,save for of course Doctor Horrible and Penny, who is starting to wonder if she is in a good place with her relationship.  We then see them at the opening of the shelter for the homeless that Hammer got by blackmailing the mayor.  There Captain Hammer gets up and starts to make fun of everyone in the audience and belittle them.  Penny finally wakes up to the jerk that Hammer is and quietly leaves because she is too embarrassed.    Then Doctor Horrible shows up with his death ray, his former freeze ray and uses it on Hammer.  Hammer is stunned and for a while, there Horrible is on top taunting the crowd and actually doing a good job at being a villain.  But then  Hammer unfreezes and takes the death ray in his hands and causing him for the first time ever to feel pain.   He runs out as he leaves others wounded, including Penny, who had a piece of the weapon launched into her and it killed her.  And thus Doctor Horrible won but at the ultimate price and ends with just going through routine as that is the new status quo.  Y'know, there are really three deaths in this film.  The obvious is the death of Penny, which is the death of innocence.  The death of Billy, which lead to the birth of Doctor Horrible and the death of his good side.  And finally, the death of Captain Hammer.  Sure, just like Doctor Horrible, he's still alive but without his powers, he's nothing.  As I mentioned up top, the first time I watched this, I didn't like it but upon repeat viewings, it has become one of my favorite musicals.  It's interesting to note that after my third or fourth viewing, I started seeing this not as a comedy but rather a tragedy. Sure,  it starts out as a comedy but there are those tragic moments throughout and that all comes together with the death of Penny and more specifically, Everything You Ever.


Now, this'll be broken down into Main, Supporting, & Antagonist. With that out of the way, let's begin.

Main Character

Doctor Horrible/Billy played by Neil Patrick Harris

It's interesting but in the beginning, there really isn't much of a distinction between Horrible and Billy. They feel to be the same person and at the start,  it appears as though Horrible is the disguise while Billy is the true identity but as the story progresses, Billy starts to die and Doctor Horrible becomes the real identity.  This first starts with Brand New Day but by the end of the musical particularly,  Everything You Ever,  Horrible is here to stay and Billy is no more.  The fake identity had become the true identity.  See  many people can look at this as a comedy, which it is but it's also a tragedy as stated up top with the three deaths.   Here's an interesting thought but Billy/Dr. Horrible is a lot like Elphaba from Wicked.   I imagine a lot of you are scratching your heads at this one. Well as I mentioned in my review of Wicked, Elphaba was forced by Oz into the role of The Wicked Witch. Now yes, Billy was already Doctor Horrible, when the film started but Captain Hammer pushed him over the edge and caused Doctor Horrible to become the true identity.

Supporting Characters

Penny played by Felicia Day

Penny is the only truly good character in Doctor Horrible and she is the one thing that kept Billy from going full on evil. She kept him grounded but once she died,  Doctor Horrible took over as there was no more need for Billy. Because he no longer had the thing that kept him grounded in reality.  As I stated above, her death symbolizes the death of innocence.  However, besides that,   I feel that it is also the death of hope for Billy.  With Penny dead, there is no hope left for him  

Moist  played by Simon Helberg

To be perfectly honest, the character of Moist doesn't add much in the way of story.  He's more or less just there to be a friend for Doctor Horrible.


Horrible Theme

I love the theme music for Doctor Horrible.  It has this quirky yet sinister vibe to it. That just really makes it work.

My Freeze Ray

What a great song!   In this one, we hear about Doctor Horrible has that girl that he wants but doesn't know how to talk to her.  Who hasn't been there.  It's just so cute and real.

Bad Horse Chorus

Okay,  I don't like the Bad Horse Chorus.   They serve a purpose to the plot, yes but they just take me out of the story.  I normally don't mind 4th wall stuff but this doesn't work for me.

Caring Hands

I honestly kinda wish this song was longer but it's a good tease for what to expect with Penny and we get the feeling that she is a good person with just this short number. I really like this one.  It isn't one of the more memorable numbers from the movie but it's still really good.

A Man's Gotta Do

This number is awesome.  I love how Horrible starts off but Captain Hammer barges in and takes over.  And here, we see the start of Penny falling for Hammer.  And I love how in the background, Horrible is pointing out what really happened but Penny is too blinded by love to notice.

My Eyes

This song is the perfect contrast between how Horrible and Penny view the world around them.  Horrible sees nothing but evil and a place filled with filth and lies.   He thinks the world is getting worse by the moment whereas Penny is more optimistic and chooses to see the good in the world.  That's probably why I relate to her so much.

Penny's Song

Aw, here we go.   This is more like it.  I love this song as it gives insight to Penny's views and it's just a nice pick me up song. This song can get me teary eyed because  it is a message that I feel everyone should take to heart.  It's just a simple song of always try look on the bright side.

Brand New Day

And here we witness the start of the death of  Billy.  Captain Hammer caused Billy to break and snap with what he said about only be with Penny, so that Billy/Horrible couldn't have her.  Hammer viewed as nothing more then a prize. This number pretty much start the descent of Doctor Horrible taking over and becoming the true identity.  He is now out for revenge and he'll do whatever it takes to get it.

So They Say

I love this number. For the most part, it's upbeat, peppy and happy save for two characters, Penny and Doctor Horrible.  Penny is starting to question her relationship with Hammer and just listen to Horrible say "Not for me anyways"  after both he and Penny sing about  there never being any happy endings.  That in a way is kinda foreshadowing.  Also,  I just love the way the one moving guy says "About time" in this song, I don't why but I do.

Everyone's A Hero

This song pretty much shows how blind people are to Hammer.   Here he is,  mocking taunting and making fun of his "fans" and they don't even notice.  They just look at this moron as a hero but Penny wakes up to this and realizes that Captain Hammer is an idiot. Which makes her saying that Captain Hammer will save her as she's dying kinda  insulting to her character.


This song is the first real taste, we get of Doctor Horrible now being the true identity. There is still some Billy left as he worries about Penny but Horrible is starting to come off as legit threat here.  He's feel like someone that you don't want to mess with because he could truly mess you up.

Everything You Ever

And now we come full circle, Billy is dead.  Doctor Horrible is real. The death of Penny killed Billy but it also got Horrible into the Evil League of Evil but at the ultimate price.  The death of the only person, he truly cared for.   This song is the big reason, Doctor Horrible should be considered a tragedy.  Horrible wins but it's almost as though, he wished  he hadn't

Horrible Credits 

What's interesting with the credits,  is that they start out with Penny's Song but as it progresses, the tune changes to the main theme.   Almost signifying that good is dead and this further reinstated by it ending with Slipping.


Captain Hammer played by Nathan Fillion 

Hammer is an egoistical self-centered a-hole.   In other words. he's Gaston from Beauty and The Beast.  Seriously,  there is so much he has in common with Gaston. They both think that they are better then everyone else and the town loves them even though, they are grade A jerks. Lest we forget that there is only one person that could see them for the beings that they truly are.    Now, I mentioned that there were three deaths and one of them was Captain Hammer's.  There's really not too much left to say on that one but notice how weak and fragile he is, when he feels pain for the first time. The facade of him being this great hero is gone.

Favorite Song/Least Favorite Song

I had such a hard time choosing a favorite song.  It came down to three choices,  Penny's Song,  So They Say, & Everything You Ever. So They Say is great for the upbeat nature of it and Everything You Ever is really good at showing the pain and despair that Doctor Horrible is feeling,  now that Penny is dead but I have to go with Penny's Song.  The big thing that makes this song work for me is the optimistic nature of the song and a ray of sunshine in this otherwise tragic story.  As for Least Favorite, I have to go with Bad Horse Chorus.  It's not bad and it makes sense in terms of the plot but it just takes me out of the action.  

My Final Thoughts

This is one of my all time favorite musicals.  Everything about it just comes together so well to tell a great story with very good characters.  This is one that comes highly recommended from me.  Join me next time as I take a look at..

Phantom of The Paradise